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Emotional Impact of Technology, Hacking Consciousness, Sat morning
ADOPTER(S) Jamie - Jamie.Heckert AT gmail.com
FACILITATOR(S) it would be good to identify facilitators in advance! enter names here

The idea is for this session to be a really OPEN one. A space in which people can slowly wake up to the weekend, search their heads for how we relate to technology, what effect particular technologies have on the way our lives are structured, which impact they have on our imaginative horizons, how they make us feel.

There might be the possibility of learning to use a small utterly low-tech weaving frame during this session!

Some of the questions we might want to ponder could be:

Our lives are so technologically imbued (and this is true for practically everyone, especially in the overdeveloped countries - even a conscious rejection of technological civilisation is set against its backdrop), how can we begin to understand its impact on our experience of existence, if technology is so pervasive?

What are our experiences with different types of technology? Is low-tech less alienating than hi-tech? Is a hi-tech world more conducive to capitalist economic structures (and vice versa) or are we just witnessing a historical coincidence?

How do you feel when you use different forms of technology? Are there any that make you feel good or more capable? Do you ever use technology to escape from how you're feeling (e.g. lost for hours surfing the net)?

Do we communicate more or less since the advent of widespread mobile phone and email use? Or just differently? What does that mean?

Things we do not understand often scare us. Is demystifying, say, the computer an empowerment or a brain wash into acceptance?

A quote about emotional impact of "doing indymedia" during the G8 2003:

"It was exciting, but at times, it was too much, even though we were more people than ever before. The fastness, the urge to do 10 things at a time, a lack of pre-structuring and priority setting pushed us to the limits - no teargas for the webheads, but exhaustion after days on end at the computer, completely forgetting about basic physical needs. It was matrix. One person stayed online for 36 hours. Direct media. The dynamics of 'being there' spread from the streets to the virtual world." (taken from the Indymedia wiki) --Ionnek 12:54, 24 January 2006 (GMT)